Born 8 July in Croydon, New South Wales, Australia.
The second son of James Murch, carpenter and builder and Caroline Holman, tailor and teacher – both from Brighton, England.
James Murch
Caroline Murch née Holman
Baby Arthur
Murch (standing) with his brother William and sister Nell c1914
Left Croydon Public School and started at Sydney Technical High School, Ultimo
Murch’s cartoon from Sydney Technical High School Journal 1916
Murch’s Early Memories – interviewed by Hazel de Berg, 1962
Apprenticed to John Heine & Son in Leichhardt. The company specialised in power presses and forming dies and was the first to make automatic can making machinery in Australia. Murch studies mechanical drawing at Sydney Technical College at night. Murch became an engineer’s draughtsman and remained with John Heine until 1924

1902 - 19191920 - 19281929 - 19391940 - 1949